I once heard on NPR that home recycling actually causes more harm than good. Most goods that people recycle are not actually recyclable and the item will actually be trashed once it reaches the recycling plant. Not to mention the amount of fuel it takes to have home recycling pick-up or the production of trucks to pick up the goods. I went on a mission to find out what the guidelines are for recycling. Hopefully this will help you and your family become better recyclers.
For recycling paper- newspapers (remove plastic sleeve for garbage)
- magazines
- writing paper
- envelopes (including window envelopes)
- corrugated cardboard (flattened to two feet by 3 feet or less)
- brown paper bags
- telephone books
- paperback books
- junk mail
- glossy sale flyers
- shredded paper (in paper grocery bags)
For recycling cans, glass and plastics
- glass bottles and jars (all colors)
- aluminum cans/foil trays
- steel tin cans with lids
- aerosol cans (empty)
- drink boxes (remove the straws)
- milk and juice boxes
- plastic bottles *
* with neck and a
symbol); remove tops
and place them in garbage
Do Not place these items in recycling bins. Items should be placed in your garbage:
- beer and soda cartons
- butter or margarine tubs
- ceramic items
- cereal boxes
- egg cartons
- flower pots
- gift wrap and tissue paper
- clothes hangers
- hard covered books
- mirrors
- prescription bottles
| - pool and other chemical containers
- packing materials
- pizza boxes
- plastic bags
- plastic deli trays
- plastic toys
- Styrofoam® peanuts, cups, plates, egg containers, etc.
- glass dishes
- window glass
- yogurt cups
Tips: * Most major grocery stores accept plastic grocery bags and newspaper wrappers. They usually have barrels near the entrance of the store for collection. * Remove all caps from bottles and place the caps in the garbage. * No window glass, mirrors, light bulbs, ovenware, ceramics, drinking glasses or eyeglasses are recyclable. * Place the blue bin on top of the red bin for collection on rainy days to hold papers down and to minimize the amount of rain soaked paper materials or hold the red recycling bin until the next recycling day. * Do not put recyclables in plastic bags. * Place recycling bins and garbage on the same side of your driveway, opposite yard waste containers. * Consider composting your yard waste and food waste.
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