Thursday, February 25, 2010

What are you thankful for?

A message board that I am part of posted a thread titled, "Thankful Thursday."  I love when I'm able to reflect on my life and realize how amazing it is. Here is what I'm an thankful for on this "Thankful Thursday."  What are you thankful for?

My Current Location: Prescott Valley, Arizona

I am thankful for my health - the ability to exercise daily and eat well - and feel wonderful!

I am thankful for the start of a wonderful marriage to an amazing person.  We are having so much fun.

I am thankful for a job I love - traveling all over the county - and time for peace and quiet while I'm on the road.  

That being said, I am thankful for the weeks I work from home and can be with my dog all day long!

I am thankful for an amazing family - parents who are the most giving ever and a sister who is my best friend.

I am thankful for my friends because they are always there when I need them.

That's my thankful Thursday